UoB confirms online teaching for semester one and a reduction in course modules
There was no mention of tuition fees or rent
Many students have been left confused and anxious over the last few months about what teaching will look like come autumn, however an email sent by the University today has confirmed students worries.
An email was sent to students on 1 July outlining the university’s plans for online academic teaching for the first semester and a reduction in optional module choices for students.
Despite the reduction in module choices and limited face to face teaching there has been no mention of a reduction in tuition fees which still stands at over £9,000.
The email sent to students from UoB stated “all of your lectures will be delivered online to ensure that you can access these whatever the circumstances in which you find yourself. By doing this we can also create extra space on campus for the hands-on experience in laboratories and workshops. Seminars and tutorials in small groups will be delivered in person and on campus where possible, and online where required. We anticipate that this system will be in place for much of Semester One, but we will keep it under constant review as the year progresses and more information about the progress of the pandemic becomes available.”
The email continued by outlining UoB’s plans to reduce optional module choices, the email said “all of the core curriculum will be covered during your course such that you can meet your programme learning outcomes, although we will deliver it in different ways.”
The email continued “in all cases, we have preserved core module material and relevant assessments to ensure you can still meet your programme learning outcomes. In some cases we have suspended or combined some optional modules to ensure there are sufficient staff available to teach you no matter what happens with the pandemic. You will still be able to follow your interests, but we may ask some of you to choose optional modules again.”
There are still many questions left unanswered by the government and UoB. Many students have left Birmingham due to COVID-19 and returned home to be with their families. However, they have still been paying rent on accommodation that they haven’t been living in since March, students will want answers about their rent payments if they decide it is not safe to return to UoB in September.